
126 Bobby Layne — Pittsburgh Steelers
Bobby Layne Post Tens 126 Bobby Layne Sugar Crisp 9 oz. 126
Post Tens Sugar Crisp 9 oz.
Bobby Layne Post Tens 126 Bobby Layne Post Tens 126 back
Post Tens
Cropped so that the line where the grass meets the trees is almost level causing Layne to lean farther to the left than the SC9. The P10 is also a little lower in the frame as Layne's toes on his left foot are closer to the bottom border. Colors are flat and run together. Sky is fuzzy blue. Trees don't have much texture. Grass is blue green.
Bobby Layne Sugar Crisp 9 oz. 126 Bobby Layne Sugar Crisp 9 oz. 126
Sugar Crisp 9 oz.
Cropped higher on the left than the P10. Overall colors are more vivid. Sky is blue. Trees show highlighted areas. Grass is yellowish green. Hair is darker brown. More realistic looking photo. Common border card.
Bobby Layne Post Tens preloaded
Cropped so that the line where the grass meets the trees is almost level causing Layne to lean farther to the left than the SC9. The P10 is also a little lower in the frame as Layne's toes on his left foot are closer to the bottom border. Colors are flat and run together. Sky is fuzzy blue. Trees don't have much texture. Grass is blue green.
Sugar Crisp 9 oz. mouseover

Cropped higher on the left than the P10. Overall colors are more vivid. Sky is blue. Trees show highlighted areas. Grass is yellowish green. Hair is darker brown. More realistic looking photo.